McCain's Mecha Encyclopedia:

Gosu Aerospace Command Battloid (Nickname: Royal Command Battloid/RCB)

Design: Invid
Builder: Invid

Served with the Invid (? to ?); and With the Solugi Hegenomy 2045 to Present.


Height: 7.1 meters
Depth: 2.9 meters
Breadth: 3.3 meters
Mass: 28 metric tons

Propulsion Systems:



Fuel Capacity: ? standard canisters of protoculture

Endurance and Mobility Limits:

Flying Speed: 1162 kph

Running Speed: 112 kph

Protoculture cell endurance is approximately ? hours of continious combat usage

Offers full protection from NBC environment as well as ? days air supply

Weapons Systems:

Plasma pulse/beam Cannon on the right arm. One pulse delivers 9 MJ of thermal energy. Supply for 40 seconds of continuous firing, and the plasma generators create sufficient quantities of plasma for a sustained rate of fire of 20 shots/minute. Usually fires a burst that does 13.5 MJ of thermal damage. Can fire annihilation discs as well as variable intensity, variable cross-section plasma beams. Conversion between modes takes ~0.5 seconds

Secondary Laser Cannon in the head. Weapon delivers 3.5 MJ of laser energy in one shot. Capacitors recharge in three seconds for a firing rate of 20 shots/minute.

Missile Battery in the thruster packs (2): The upper part of each thruster can separate and expose four rows of eight (total: 32 per thruster) short range dog-fighting 180mm Misfit missiles. These missiles have been observed to hit their targets out to 4 km, and probably have visual and infra-red homing. So far, their only use in battle has been against Destroids, and Veritechs in Battloid and slow-moving Guardians, suggesting an inability to engage fast-moving airborne craft. The lower section of each thruster bank holds two large folding doors which cover three rows of seven (total: 21 per thruster) 290mm Mixer missiles of an undisclosed range, though they have been known to hit targets up to 8km distant, including high-speed airborne craft. The target acquisition and homing systems seem to be similar to those on the smaller missile. The total missile payload on the mecha is 64 dogfight and 42 longer-ranged missiles, for a total of 106.


For the most part, the sensors of the RCB are unknown, though it is speculated that its visual resolution is far better than other Invid mecha. Likewise, it is possible that the RCB has limited IR and radar capabilities, though to this date, no detection of active radar/radio emissions from an RCB has been reported. However, the wave-band search has not been thorough.
Protoculture Sensors, providing detection and tracking of active Protoculture-powered turbines. For detection of a high-power Veritech Fighter (such as an Alpha), good resolution extends out to 3.75km, fair resolution out to 7.5km, and poor resolution out to 21km. A typical Destroid is detectable at slightly more than half these distances, a Cyclone at four percent of these distances, and a Gallant rifle at about one percent of these distances. The above values are estimates, based upon the Gamo's known performance and battlefield observations of the RCB.
External audio pickup.


Armor is metallic, ceramic, organic composite.

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Updated: 11:05:2000

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