McCain's Mecha Encyclopedia:

VF-10 Logan Veritech Fighter


Design: RRG/SCAR
Builder: Various

-X-10: Prototype; 24 built 2016 to 2018.
-10A: Served with the REF Air Force, and Marines 2018 to 2026; and with the Remaining RDF forces at Yellowstone Base until 2025.
-10B: Served with the ASC TASC 2026 to 2033.
-10M: Served with the REF AF, and Marines 2026 to 2045.
-10C: Upgrade Served with the ASC TASC 2030 to 2033.
-10S: Served With the REF AF, and Marines 2045 to 2075; and the RF AF and Marines 2075 to 2125.
-10V: Served with the REF AF, and Marines 2125 to Present.
-10X: Experimental Railgun armament prototype, 2149.





2.29 meters

5.35 meters


6.29 meters




4.55 meters


6.29 meters




3.00 meters


6.5 Metric tons

Propulsion Systems:


Rolls Royce FF-3001 fusion intermix turbines (2): in the upper aft fuselage, total thrust 131 kN. Intakes are located on the upper fuselage, to either side of the rear of the canopy.

General Electric FPB-20 Boosters (2): in the legs. These engines use reaction-mass only, and are rarely used in an atmosphere. Each engine has two exhaust ports: one in each heel, and one at the junction of the leg in the fuselage, pointing downward in fighter mode and forward in Battloid. Max. thrust is 36 kN per engine.

Nakajima NBS-2 high-thrust chemical reaction thrusters (4): located in the center of the upper and lower fuselage, and in the Battloid's shoulders.

Assorted small reaction thrusters and gyroscopes for all-environment maneuvers, attitude adjustment, and stability.


2 x RRL-2P Miniaturized Protoculture-cell energizer

Fuel Capacity:

16 standard canisters of protoculture
3.4 liters of D2O.

Endurance and Mobility Limits:



Maximum Flying Speed:

1500 kph

300 kph

Maximum Running Speed:


64 kph

Protoculture Cell Endurance:

125 hours of continious combat usage

Delta V:

6.1 kps

Offers full protection from NBC environment as well as one days air supply

Weapons Systems:


Oerlikon E-18 triple-barreled pulsed ion cannon in the nose, one burst delivers an average of 15 MJ of thermal and kinetic energy; there is sufficient energy in the capacitors for 8 seconds of continuous fire, the generator can create sufficient power for 15 bursts every minute.


GU-13S three-barreled 35mm chain-gun, firing 2400 rounds per minute, 300 round belt. Ammunition is a mix of Tungsten-coated depleted Uranium Armor Piercing Spin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot (APSSDS), High Explosive Armor Piercing (HEAP) and tracer rounds. This gun is the carbine version of the GU-13 gun pod in the Alpha, and due to its shorter barrels, accuracy, penetration, and range are appreciably reduced. The gun is mounted internally in the center fuselage beneath the cockpit.

GU-14 single-barreled 35mm autocannons (2): firing 500 rounds per minute, 500 round belt each. Ammunition is a mix of Tungsten-coated depleted Uranium Armor Piercing Spin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot (APSSDS), High Explosive Armor Piercing (HEAP) and tracer rounds. The two guns are mounted internally in the intakes of the leg-mounted main engines.


EP-14 three-barreled 80mm particle gun pod, firing 170 pulses per minute in full automatic mode, also capable of firing semi-automatic three-barrel blasts approximately once per second. This weapon fires 4.1 MJ pulses per barrel in each mode, drawing power from the aircraft's main energizers. This gun is the carbine version of the successful EP-13 gun pod in the later model Alphas, and due to its smaller size, its energy and range are appreciably reduced. This weapon was developed around 2035 and started being widely deployed in 2039. The gun is mounted internally in the center fuselage intake beneath the cockpit. The center gun is not available when the Alpha and Beta are joined.

EP-4 single-barreled particle cannon, capable of firing 9 MJ of particle energy every second, and is powered by the aircraft's energizers. This gun is the same as that used in the early models of the VF-4 Lightning. This weapon fit was developed around 2035 and started being widely deployed in 2039. The two guns are mounted internally in the intakes of the leg-mounted main engines.


General Electric E-20 Laser Gun Pod mounted on a swiveling mount in Fighter mode and in the hand in Battloid mode, delivering 8 MJ of laser energy up to 60 times per minute.


4 x Conformal Hardpoints mounted to the legs of the Veritech:


Westinghouse APG-140 X-band pulse-doppler spherical phased array medium-range radar
Phillips AllView II multi-band digital spherical camera system, for medium range all attitude infra-red imaging, optical and ultra-violet band detection and tracking
Thomson LT-8 multi-frequency laser ranger and designator.
Elettronica Radar Warning Receiver (RWR)
OlDelft Infra-red Warning Receiver (IRWR)
Selenia SkyWarrior active/passive sensor jammers


Armor is composed of advanced titanium steel alloy.

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Updated: 11:05:2000

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