McCain's Spacecraft Encyclopedia:

Macross-Class Super Dimensional Fortress


2 Fully Complete Ships were built.

Design: RRG
Builder: Macross Island, Luna Shipyards
Operator: RDF 2009 to 2014.

Ships Complement: (16,000 men total),

Ship's Crew (3500 men),
Air Group (1500 men),
Troops (11,000 men).


Length: 1210 meters,
Height: 312 meters,
Width: 496 meters,
Mass: 18,000,000 metric tons,
Fuel Mass: 1,980,000 metric tons.

Propulsion Systems:

Main power system: Unknown.

Anti-gravity System (1): 15 Rastraz anti-gravity pods.

Space Fold: Unknown.

Endurance and Mobility Limits:

Dry stores: 3 Years.
Reflex Furnace: A 35 year span before rebuild or replacement has to occur.

Weapons Systems:

Mk.1 Reflex cannon (Makral Ever 248) (1) : This weapon forms the forward part of the ship. The two forward booms slide and rotate to the side, and a particle beam generation then takes place between the two booms. This weapon is the most modern, smallest and most powerful of the larger Reflex cannon.

The effects of this weapon against planets are equal to the heat and blast effects of the detonation of a fusion weapon of 65 megatons, if fired at full power.

If utilized against starships, the largest vessels can be destroyed by the leakage of the beam. A direct hit will vaporize the target vessel. The weapon can also be set to a wider dispersal. While not nearly as effective as a tight beam against warships, it is capable of clearing a wide area of fighters and other mecha.

Mk.1 particle cannon (Makral Deim 773) (8) : As the Reflex cannon cannot be fired fast enough to be effective against multiple heavy opponents, the main anti-ship weapons are 8 heavy particle cannon. They are built as a large turret with two barrels projecting from the front, but as with the Reflex cannon and the smaller Zentraedi cannons, the beam is generated between the barrels. Eight of these weapons are mounted on the ship: one on the side and on the dorsal of each cannon boom, one on the dorsal of each leg, and one on the forward dorsal and ventral side of the main hull. As with many other Tirolian designed ships, the aft ventral segment lacked heavy firepower. The power supply to these cannons is a new design, and incorporates an accumulation system that can store sufficient power for 8 full power salvos. The accumulators can replenish at effectively six full power salvos per minute. The beam has an effective range of 300,000 km and a full power discharge of 2.5 terajoules, equivalent to 500 tons of TNT. Although the cannon could be fired at lower power settings (and commensurate increases in the rate of fire) the highest power setting was typical in combat.

Mk.2 particle cannon (Makral Deim 869) (1) : The Macross-class mounted an unique weapon on the extreme forward edge of the center hull. This weapon was a three barreled particle beam weapon with half the yield of the larger beams, but no less than three times the rate-of-fire. This weapon, which Tirolian Scientist Triumvirates hoped would replace the Mk.1 particle cannon one day, was to be field-tested on the Macross class prototypes prior to series production. However, the general stagnation of the Robotech Empire caused the project to be abandoned.

The Mk.2 particle cannon had an effective range of 300,000 km, a full power discharge of 1.25 terajoules and, while using an accumulation system in its power supply like the Mk.1 cannons, could recharge for 12 full power salvo's per minute due to improvements in beam generation and accumulator efficiency.

The refit SDF-1 never got the chance to field-test the weapon, as the cannon was destroyed during a battle with the Zentraedi near Pluto's orbit. The internals were then replaced with those of a triple-tubed, turreted torpedo launcher.

The SDF-2 mounted a standard Mk.1 particle cannon in this position.

Mk.1 heavy railgun (Gluph Tacim 56) (4) : Mass driver cannons in single turrets are mounted on the shoulders. The cannons can accelerate a 225 kg projectile to velocities approaching 140 kps. The ammunition supply for each cannon is 3,000 projectiles. The turrets can rotate in the horizontal plane through 200 degrees (140 for a Terran ship with attached carriers), and elevate 15 degrees upward. Combined with the capacity for 360 degree rotation at the shoulder joint, these weapons can be unmasked on all possible target bearings. The impact energy of one projectile is 2.2 TJ (0.44 kT), and the rate of fire is 40 shots per minute.

The available ammunition consists of KCP Kinetic Core Penetrating (hull penetration rounds), KPI Kinetic Penetrating Incendiary (plasma incendiary rounds) and MKEP Multiple Kinetic Energy Penetrator (flechette cluster rounds), the latter as anti-mecha formation weapons.

This cannon was intended to be used as a possible complement to the heavy beam weapons, but the designers turned it into an area-defense weapon against mecha as well, though it is not as effective as a main gun salvo set on wide dispersal. In addition, this accurate weapon can also be used in pin-point attacks against ground targets, though only with KCP rounds as the KPI and MKEP rounds burn up on atmospheric re-entry.

Mk.3 particle cannon (Makral Mossil 996-3) (16) : Turrets with effectively three Zentraedi standard particle beam cannons each. Two are on each of the ventral hips, one on each of the dorsal legs, dorsal and ventral center body and the upper dorsal shoulders, four are mounted on the shoulders proper and two are mounted forward of the side-mounted large particle beams on the cannon booms. Each barrel can fire 3,000 MJ of particle energy every 5 seconds, or less powerful discharges at a higher rate of fire.

The effective range is 300,000 km.

This was an improvement on the standard Zentraedi particle turret system, which suffered from no armor protection, as well as from unwanted hit dispersal on a target. The new design featured essentially three of the older cannons into one, heavily armored turret. This increased resilience and decreased hit dispersal greatly.

The REF later used an adaptation of this design idea in the turrets for the Izumo and Ikazuchi classes of starship, as well as for the exterior turret on the Garfish class destroyers.

Mk.1 Ballistic missile launcher (12) : The Terran refit replaced the Mk.1 torpedo launcher and its alien missiles with the Terran designed Mk.1 Ballistic missile launcher, effectively the same as the Zentraedi system but wired to accept the Terran Trident F4 rocket.

The F4 was a multi warhead design, carrying 5 warheads of 300 kT yield, and a guidance system suited only for anti-ship engagements.

Mk.88 Defense missile launcher (48) : A retractable 'pepperbox' launcher based on the naval MLB-10 system, but refitted for vacuum launches. The launcher was mainly for defensive purposes.

Each launcher had 10 missiles in the launch box and another 110 rounds in the magazine, for a total of no fewer than 5,760 missiles carried. The most common missile was the Hughes Warhawk missile, later complemented by the General Dynamics/Euromissile/BAe Spacehawk. Both missiles were procured with conventional as well as nuclear warheads.

RRG-SP missile launcher (1) : A sextuple missile launch box for the same missiles as the Mk.88 fires. This is a field invention and refit using the turret of the destroyed Mk.2 particle cannon turret, each vertical pair of launch boxes firing though one of the gun ports. The turret was retrofitted to store 120 Spacehawk missiles.

Mecha Complement:


212 VF-1 Valkyries.
120 QF-3000 Ghosts.
585 Destroids.
2 Mk-II Monsters.
12 Star Goose Shuttles.
35 Cat's Eyes.


600 VF-1 Valkyries.
400 Destroids.
12 Star Goose Shuttles.
35 Cat's Eyes.

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Updated: 11:11:2000

Information and Pictures courtesy of the Unofficial Robotech Reference Guide.