McCain's Spacecraft Encyclopedia:

Thuverl Salan-Class Heavy Cruiser

Istanbul-Class Cargo and Passenger Cruiser

Above: Telivert Fleet ? Group Sqaud 5

After the Zentraedi Holocaust, an estimated 185,000 Thuverl Salan-class ships remained intact or salvageable in the Zentraedi. Most of these were decommissioned due to protoculture depletion prior to 2020. The Terran forces decommissioned their units of this class very soon after the hostilities ended. In 2033 when the Invid Invaded the System they wrecked the Factory sattelite and most of the vessel stored within, 99% of all ships stored in the Factory Sattelite were damaged beyond repair and scrapped the still useable components either used to restore the remaining vessels or were put in storage.

In 2118 all the remaining hulls and spare component parts were sold to Ivar Morton a wealthy Entrepeneur living on Sabeta 3 who refit the vessels with modern day weapons and electronics systems and had the vessels almost totally rebuilt to Human size and then used them to open a cargo and passenger transportation firm in 2125. It wasn't till what has become known as the Merchant War did Morton lose any of the ships when elemants in both the Karbarran Trade Guild and Corrupt Politicians in both the RF and Alliance Hierarchy decided they wanted a piece of Morton's pie and some how managed to convince the Military that Morton was actually in collaboration with the Thlarg and Klarth; Morton was brought to trial but had a massive heartattack during the trial when he was accused. The Vice President of Morton Interstellar Transportation His Daughter Ivana Morton immediatly called all of her ships back (Note: almost all of the planets in the sector of Sabeta 3 were employed by or relied upon trade with MIST). The military immediatly jumped in and attacked. By the end of the War Morton had lost 15% of their ships but had managed to beat back their attackers and had the Sabeta 3 Sector declared a Sovereign Government which was named the Merchant Guild.

Only 1850 of these vessels were salvageable and 230 were lost during the Merchant War.

Design: Geteulmaqulla-Zollia Design Bureua
Builder: Various
Operator: Zentraedi Navy (1560 to end of Mercantile Empire); Merchant Guild (2118 to present)

Ships Complement:

Zentraedi Ships: (3000 men):

Ship's Crew: 600 men,
Air Group: 400 men,
Troops: 2000 men,

Human Ships: (8080 men):

Ship's Crew (600 men),
Air Group/Ground Troops (1040 men),
Passengers (6440 men),


Length: 2018 meters,
Height: 756 meters,
Width: 510 meters,
Mass: 39,500,000 metric tons,
Fuel Mass: 16,000,000 metric tons.

Propulsion Systems:

Main power system: Zorrelev-462-Trafla protoculture-fueled Reflex furnace cluster. The powerplant of a Thuverl Salan class vessel can nominally deliver up to 38.9 Petawatts of power, and can operate for 75 minutes at maximum power before overheat initiates auto-shutdown.

Anti-gravity System (1): 80 Rastraz anti-gravity pods.

Space Fold: Nolfantom-proldarlev 412 spacefold. This system generates a hull-conformal fold.

Endurance and Mobility Limits:

Dry stores: 15 years.
Reflex Furnace: A 35 year span before rebuild or replacement has to occur.
Hull Endurance: 640 years.

Weapons Systems: (2141 refit):

Zentraedi Ships:

Makral Deim 653 particle cannon (3): The main anti-ship weapons are three heavy particle cannon. They are mounted in three superfiring turrets in the forward dorsal hull, on the incline of the superstructure of the ship. The particle beam has an effective range of 300,000 km. and a full power discharge of 1.9 terajoules, equivalent to 380 tons of TNT. Although the cannon could be fired at lower power settings (and commensurate increases in the rate of fire) the highest power setting was typical in combat. The rate of fire at this setting was approximately six salvos per minute.

Makral Mossil 918 particle cannon (48): For centuries this combined particle beam and laser weapon has been the standard medium cannon armament on Zentraedi vessels. Two different beam weapons (variable frequency laser and particle beam cannon) are provided on one mount so that the discharge medium can be chosen as the optimum for the local target and environment conditions. Both weapons have the same yield at the muzzle. The laser can be fired in a low power mode directly before the particle beam fires, this setting is typically used to burn a vacuum path for the particles through an atmosphere. Because of the slow recharge time of the larger weapons, and the flexibility inherent in the double mount, this cannon turret is the weapon system most often utilized on board Zentraedi vessels. For ground support, it is the only effective weapon as the other systems are to heavy to be used around own troops. The cannon, as most Zentraedi beam weapon systems, has an effective range of 300,000 km. Each full-intensity shot has a yield of 1000 MJ, and the cannons can cycle through their firing sequence once every three seconds. The exact location of these weapons varied by building yard, but the most common scheme mounted 14 of the turrets in the forward section of the hull, another six forward of each engine, and the remaining 20 mounted in the sectors the forward weapons did not cover.

Deuawhaug Rasar 89 (22): A Reloadable Silo Launch System (RSLS), or as it is better known, a torpedo tube, capable of firing large anti-ship and ground bombardment torpedoes. The tubes can reload in 3.6 seconds, and have a 40 round magazine close-by. These launchers are mounted between the upper and lower hull shells in the nose of the ship. The missiles used are the SSA-1 Sniper (Lojredbeth Deuawhaugh) and the SSA-2 Scrapper (Letkes Deuawhaug) missiles. The former is a nuclear missile with a 326 kT reaction warhead, the latter is a conventional tipped missile with a warhead of 2.3 metric tons.

Both missiles are optimized for anti-ship strikes in deep space, but can be used in orbital bombardment modes or in an atmosphere.

Touwhaug Rasar 481 (70): A missile launcher mounted in a pop-up turret, firing anti-mecha/missile missiles, though the projectiles can guide on point-blank enemy ships. When the missiles are released they are already on their intercept vectors, or very close to them. Each turret has a reload time of 3.6 seconds and a magazine with a 100 round capacity. They are mounted for spherical coverage.

The missile system used is the SAA-1 Granite (Gliquoun Touwhaug), a weapon with a conventional blast fragmentation warhead of 278 kg and an atmospheric range of 112 km. at a speed of Mach 7.5.

NOTE: Zentraedi starships mounted a large percentage of their armament forward, for maximum attack capability. Other areas of the ships mounted correspondingly less weapon systems.

Human Ships:

Krupp MBPC-2 heavy particle beam (3): A heavy weapon firing 2.5 TJ of particle energy per shot, equivalent to approximately 500 tons of TNT, out to an effective range of 300,000 km. Capacitors can charge and fire each weapon six times per minute at maximum capacity.

One of these cannons is mounted in a 'chin' mount behind conformal covers in the lower bow halve, one in the dorsal cannon boom, two in the 'elbow' links to the outriggers, and one is located on the forward ventral, in front of the bridge. Unlike the cannons mounted on the Seron Thoun, these large particle beams resembled the more advanced weapons of the Macross-class in design and firepower.

Bofors RL39 Triple Particle Beam Turrets (48). A fully enclosed version of the heavy RL36 turret also mounted on the Garfish class destroyers. These excellent weapons deliver 6000 MJ of particle energy per turret per salvo.

PL-2a Point Defense turrets (24): Mounted in the sides of hull behind movable panels, these standard REF weapons can fire 56 MJ of particle energy four times per second.

Mk. 269 Missile Tubes (22): Six missile tubes are mounted in the hull above the particle beam turret. These tubes typically launch Barracuda, Warhawk and Spacehawk missiles. The total magazine capacity is 60 Barracuda or 160 Warhawk/Spacehawk missiles. A typical load-out is 18 Barracuda missiles, 20 nuclear Spacehawk-B missiles, 60 Spacehawk-A missiles, and 30 Warhawk missiles.

Mk.253 MLS missile systems (70): Each launcher has 10 individual launch silos. The silos each contain 6 ready missiles in a rotating mechanism, which can be reloaded while firing. The ready magazines store 300 missiles per launcher. These launchers typically fire Warhawk and Spacehawk missiles. Typical warheads are anti-mecha cluster munitions, nuclear reaction anti-warship and nuclear reaction re-entry capable weapons.

Zentraedi Ships:

Mecha Complement:

2 Quel Quallie EW/assault craft,
6 Lieuneuatzs shuttle craft,
6 Frandlar Tiluvo trans-orbital transports,
8 Nauglar Nodral airborne tankers,
1000 Regult infantry mecha (four versions),
300 Nousjadeul-Ger cavalry mecha,
24 Glaug ground/air command mecha and aerospace sleds,
250 Raulonve fighters.

Human Ships:

Air Group and Mecha Complement: (As of 2150):

260 VAF-7 Mk-II Alphas Fighters
130 VBF-10 Mk-II Betas Fighters
15 VC-079 Pigeon Couriers
15 SC-32 Gossamer Cargo and Personnel Shuttles
50 RC-5C Hubble Light Personnel and Cargo Shuttles

Destroid Complement: (As of 2150):

285 Fast Strike Destroids (Gladiators)
185 Heavy Battle Destroids (Excaliburs)
145 Missile/AAA Destroids (Catapult/Shark)
12 Artillery Destroids (Monster/Thundercracker)

3000 Cyclones

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Updated: 10:21:2000

Thanks to the Unofficial Robotech Reference Guide for the pics and info.